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Ralph Myhre Golf Course

1 Day Member Guest May 11th

1 Day Member Guest May 11th

This will be a Best-Ball format with both gross and net prizes. Best-Ball meaning each player will play their own ball and the best score for each hole, both gross and net, will count as the team score.

We will have a men's flight, a senior flight, and a women's flight.

Men's flight would be from the white tees, senior flight teams will consist of at least one member of the team playing from the gold tees.

Cost: $50 per team. It covers guest green fee and prize pool. ($25/$25)

Prizes will be gift certificates based on flight size.  

Cart fees sold separately day of event at member rates for both players.

Cash Skins for each flight $10 per team for both gross and net. Collected Day of.

Handicaps will be combined handicap of both players. If a player does not have an established handicap, they will play only gross.

Tee times will start at 9 a.m.  We will do our best to accommodate requests for late or early tee times. Please use the notes section to request pairing with another team. (does not have to be in the same flight)

Regular price $50.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $50.00 USD
Sale Sold out
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